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sharpe ratio中文是什么意思

用"sharpe ratio"造句"sharpe ratio"怎么读"sharpe ratio" in a sentence


  • 比率


  • Creative indicator for evaluation of funds performance - based on sharpe ratio improvement and empirical study on chinese investment funds
  • In chapter three , the author adopt conventional risk indices including p , bp and full range , and such portfolios management evaluation ratios as jenson ' s alpha , treynor ratio and sharpe ratio to evaluate risk - adjusted investment performance and relevant risk indices of value stock portfolio and of glamour stock portfolio in buy - hold average returns ( bhars ) and average monthly returns ( amrs ) term
    在文章的第三章,作者利用传统的风险指标。 , ?刀,和全距以及夏普指数、特雷诺指数和詹森指数对上述持有期为一年的一维、二维等权和权重价值反转投资策略的价值投资组合和魅力投资组合的风险和投资业绩进行了计算,同样从买入并持有收益率和组合月均收益率两个角度入手。
  • This paper precedes analysis by examples on investment income in shanghai and shenzhen stock market from 1994 to 2005 by investment strategies with financial ratios as decision basis , inspecting average rate of return of various investment strategies , standard deviation for investment income , sharpe ratio of reward to risk , and analysis on these results . financial ratios in research include : price - to - book ratio , price - to - earnings ratio , price - to - sales ratio
用"sharpe ratio"造句  


The Sharpe ratio (also known as the Sharpe index, the Sharpe measure, and the reward-to-variability ratio) measures the excess return (or risk premium) per unit of deviation in an investment asset or a trading strategy, typically referred to as risk (and is a deviation risk measure), named after William Forsyth Sharpe.
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